Traffic Analysis and Mangement

Lynkz Group built a Cloud Based Traffic Analysis and Management AI Model to Analyse, Count and Manage traffic flows. This consisted of 1000’s of hours of traffic footage being fed into the AI model to help it learn a wide range of metrics about vehicles on the road. With this information we then perform complicated analysis to predict traffic flow and identify different types of vehicles that travel past a certain location. We also provide easy to consume reports that can be exported and used in other systems.

Traffic Counting

To provide accurate numbers of vehicles travelling past a location including duplicate or obscured vehicle detection.

Vehicle Classification

The ability to determine vehicle categorisation by size, function, and class, whether it be a car, limo, van, bus, truck, bike, scooter, commercial or industrial vehicle.

Registration Checks

The system determines the registration of a vehicle and by cross referencing the TMR databases across Australia can check the validity of the registration and determine whether it is a stolen vehicle.

Vehicle Specifics

The solution has an extensive AI model to determine the production year, make, model, colour, and other metrics of a vehicles.

Queue Lengths

The solution can help manage traffic queue lengths of intersections, bridges, or roads. We apply an AI algorithm and estimate the volume of cars approaching an area and can then provide this information so that traffic controllers can manage or slow the amount of incoming traffic to the area.

Traffic/Signal Mangement

The solution can be used at intersections to assist with the timings of lights and turning signals. We can provide accurate numbers of cars entering or using an intersection and provide recommendations for shortening or lengthening traffic signals.

Intersection Safety

We are developing a solution to monitor vehicles and track the direction of travel across the 12 different points of movement within an intersection. All cameras would be synced and then proactively predict hot spots or accident-prone areas based on vehicle movement. For example, a right-hand turn lane may not have a protected arrow and vehicles are required to pass through on a straight green, this could be monitored, and the traffic turn signal added to prevent accidents (and protect pedestrians).


Food Processing & Manufacturing

PolyVision has transformed food and manufacturing processes by providing a real time Analysis and Quality Assurance service. Its ability to scan an item and make a determination on its quality ensures only the best produce goes to market.

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Infrastructure Management

PolyVision has the capability of improving Asset Management services across a variety of infrastructure. Whether it’s a cracked road or a downed powerline, PolyVision can help.

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Wildlife Management

PolyVision can automate the arduous task of monitoring animals or wildlife in Zoo's, Farms or National Parks. The service can proactively provide information to allow a range of decisions to be made in real time.

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Traffic Analysis & Management

PolyVision has advanced traffic management capabilities to assist with identifying various types of traffic. The System can monitor a road, rail line or runway and report information back about a vehicle or situation.

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Other Use Cases

The team has identified hundreds of other ways PolyVision can assist customers in using video footage more effectively.